Once upon a time, nestled amidst lush forests & shimmering rivers, sat the mighty kingdom, Maya. 🏰

There ruled a king, unlike any other—
his fur shimmered like twilight,
his eyes held the wisdom of
forgotten constellations. 💫

While other kings reveled in grand palaces, Awaara was a misfit,
preferring the dew-kissed leaves of the forest floor, seeking adventure
beyond stone walls. 🐾

Instead of attending to courtly affairs, Awaara loved sitting by the river, indulging in his favorite hobby,
rolling perfect doobs using
raw, natural papers. 🐉

I solemnly swear to transform Maya!

he growled,
smoking his favourite Raja sized doob.

From a place of ordinary & routine,
to a kingdom to magic & adventure!

His best friend—the Assyrian King Paglazuzu II — shared his misfit spirit.

There is an ancient magical plant called Qunabu-Qunubu.🍃

said Paglazuzu,

Legend says the answers we seek are in
Q-Q's mystique!

Together, they embarked on a quest for this elusive plant, through moonlit nights & star-strewn forests, searching for clues. 🧩

And then, one dawn, hidden in plain sight—they found the magic herb that shimmered like starlight. ✨

They had a grand party, dancing like monkeys around the fire! 🐒

Laughing until stomach's hurt, they shared stories until
their heart's desired. 😶‍🌫️

As the beautiful Qunabu-Qunubu scent filled the air, raising their doobs they chanted aloud—

Ordinary days became extraordinary tales as the magic of Q-Q spread far & wide! 🦄

The misfit king became a whispered legend, his mystical kingdom thrived.

And they lived happily ever after, dancing in abandon, morning to noon to night.